Escort Story - A New Chapter

As an author, I spend most of my time writing. People would think it is an easy profession, but it is a very intense and draining one. Finding inspiration, building a story and developing characters means intense concentration and looking for inspiration every day of the week. The process of writing can be draining and you can burn out easily. Sometimes you need a break from writing to rest the brain and experience other things in life. Being divorced for 5 years and being single for many of those years, meant that I put all my focus and energy into work. To some extent becoming a recluse. How could I write if I wasn't even part of the world anymore and spent most of my time indoors. I had come to the realization that my work must have suffered in that time period and I was fading away into possible depression.

After the divorce I lost contact with all of my friends and could not bring myself to contact them again. Being in my late fifties I didn't have the insight or energy to go out and make a new set of friends. I did have a love for the opera and classical music. That was the one thing in which I got great enjoyment at listening to music while at home. However it was not healthy to have no contact with anybody else.

I needed some company. Even if it was to have a meal indoors for the first time in many years, not by myself, it would be a major achievement. So I decided to book a mature London escort from an escort agency. There were not many mature escort agencies in London surprisingly, but i found a lovely English lady who was 53 and she sounded very affluent and cultured. She said she like classical music. She provided a visiting escort service, which was handy as I did not have the confidence to venture much out of the house. We had a wonderful evening together. We sat and listened to classical music and enjoyed a lovely meal. I began to open up and explained that I had not been much of a socialiser, to her surprise. She praised my love for classical music and world affairs and said that I have so much to offer. From that day I found a new found confidence. I wrote two books about confidence and I was ready to write a new story in my life. The old books will simply gather dust.