Living With A London Escort

Many London escorts flatshare in London. Escorts who are just starting out focus more on the area they are going to live, rather than trying to seek some swanky luxury apartment. Most when starting escorting simply can not afford it. So they look to locate in the most affluent areas or areas most central to London, but find the most economic accommodation possible. Ceratin areas in South London which are also affluent like Chelsea, Fulham and Battersea Park, again see many escorts flat sharing. Sometimes escorts like to live with other escorts, as they will all have something in common and they are used to each others lifestyles. However if you are not an escort but you find yourself living with one, she may or may not discuss her lifestyle. It is important however to understand how each other lives. She may work unsociable hours or be on a weekend date. So it s understand how each of your routines can fit in with each other.


Things You May Need To Discuss If You Live With An Escort:

1) It will be good to discuss her working hours. If she works very late hours and you work 9-5, it is important her late return home does not affect your sleep.

2) Your escort may discuss about holding client dates there. If you are unhappy about it, voice your concerns. You are well within your rights to say no.

3) You may be interested in a career change to escorting. Ask for advice and tips for starting out.

4) If your escort has a stalker then it directly affects you as you live at the same address. You have every right to voice your concerns.

5) If your flat mate is away for certain weekends it would be nice to know, for home security reasons.