Tempted Back Into Escorting

Many people become escorts for many different reasons. Over the recent years of the economy's financial instability, it has left many people worrying about their financial futures. With consumerism on the rise previous to that and credit the way many people lived by, many people found a combination of job losses and debt, a fearful mountain to climb. So many people turned to escorting as a way to pay back debts on credit cars and look to secure short term financial stability. Many university students in their final year turn to escorting as a way to financially survive and look to save to pay off debts accumulated studying. Some people were previously escorts and met their partner, and may have even become married. So they put escorting into their past. However again financial worries and debts have tempted ex escorts back into the market.


Reasons People Return Back To Escorting:

1) They Missed It - Some people simply loved escorting so much that they returned to it. Life after escorting can seem very dull for certain people.

2) Financial problems - People will always find themselves facing financial problems at some stage in their lives. So a return to escorting can help

3) Job Losses - A lot of public sector jobs have gone and many more look to go, so previous escorts who though this career change was a good one find going back to escorting.

4) Pay Off New Debts - Some people always find themselves accumulating new debts, so a return back to escorting can help repay certain debts back.

5) They Never Really Left - Some people cut down their escorting so much that they convince themselves that they are no longer an escort. Really all they are doing is increasing the amount of bookings they usually entertain.