Berkeley Girls Review

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You can contact their agency directly by calling them via phone on 0207 099 9666

PLEASE NOTE: As First Call Escorts is an outcall only agency if you require incalls in London, then feel free to visit their website by clicking the link above. They are a reputable agency and you are sure to find a female companion that is perfect for you.

They are an established high class London escort agency and stress they are the biggest of its kind in London and Europe as they showcase over a 100 escorts in their agency. They provide luxury escort services throughout central London and internationally. They also showcase some of the most beautiful and professional companions. Many are high class models with perfect beauty and perfectly shaped bodies. The visual quality of their pictures on the agency website is amazing - the escorts look very attractive. They provide VIP and elite escorts to VIP gentlemen who require the very best companion for elite events and private companionship.

They have an extensive list of European VIP escorts. They stress the agency is always busy and it is advantageous to choose more than one escort, just in case your first choice is not available. They cover Paris, Vienna, London and Zurich. Each escort has her own personal photo portfolio where prospective clientele can peruse at their pleasure viewing additional photos, as well as reading up on personalised information about the lady. Berkeley Girls showcase featured and new girls on their home page. They also have information about city tours as they can provide services as far as Manchester or St. Tropez.


For a full list of other agencies that provide similar services visit our London escort agencies website review guide.