Byron Hotel Review (W2)

First Call Escorts have no affiliation with the company reviewed below.

Their Address:

36-38 Queensborough Terrace,
W2 3SH

Set in close proximity to the Hyde park area is a luxurious hotel which houses 45 stylish suites. Converted from 2 very lush Victorian town houses, Byron Hotel is the perfect place for a luxury stay. They have a grand, lush interior; the contemporary, classy interior with a traditional undertone is the perfect setting for a relaxing stay. The most unique attribute about the hotel is the location. Situated in close distance to Bayswater and Queensway tube station, you can easily commute to and from central London very easily. If you are a visiting tourist you are not too far away from wonderful tourist attractions like Westminster and shopping districts like Oxford Street and Bond Street.

Staff are very professional and friendly and service is done with a beaming smile. the suites are very elegant and spacious. You will have a perfect night's sleep in any of the en suite rooms. The penthouse suite is the most luxurious option. If you are a international businessman visiting the capital for the first time, then the hotel is the perfect place to stay. They provide all the modern facilities like internet,phone and satellite TV, so you can still conduct your business affairs during your stay.

For a luxurious stay in the Bayswater area; they are highly recommended on the internet.



*Please note our agency has no affiliation with any hotel in London or the rest of the UK.