Dutch Escort In St Albans - Escort Experience

They say ask for something and you might get it. However sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for. I found out the hard way. The last general election I thought would bring change - everybody thought change for the better. However I was made harshly redundant as a civil servant and life slowly ground to a grinding halt. On one hand I was so bitterly disappointed as I didn't see it coming. On the other hand I thought it gave me time to get my personal life back into order. I had always been a workaholic and with two failed marriages to my credit, I didn't really have a personal life of any merit. As things got hard I decided to move in with my brother who lived in St Albans. Leaving London wasn't too hard as I had always wanted to wave goodbye to the hustle and bustle. My brother and I are like chalk and cheese. He has also had a failed marriage but he has led a much more exciting life.

Our divorces were really all we had in common. I had always thought he was a a big fucking show off. He was always grilling me about my non existent love life. Maybe he was doing it to wind me up, or maybe he cared in his weird little way. Slowly it was sinking into my subconscious. He practically dragged me out every other evening to the pub and bars. He had such great confidence with women. Maybe that was his problem as his wondering eyes were why his marriage went pear shaped. I am really shy. Just the thought of speaking to a women I would get all sweaty and nervous. He would always tell me to go to speak to this woman and that woman. My mere presence I reckon was getting on his nerves as I never wanted to play wing man.

Then one day he took be by surprise. He said that I he was off out and I was staying in. He then deviously commented.. "oh by the way I have booked Dutch escort to keep you company". He was a practical joker but you had to take him at face value as he was so spontaneous. The doorbell rang and entered a very stunning mature Dutch escort. She was so beautiful. I was in shock. You know in the movies when somebody is so surprised they drop the mug of coffee they are holding. Well, i did, it was like it happened in slow motion. Then they both started laughing. I was outraged but at the same time a happy form of adrenalin surged through my veins. Maybe I had to start living on the wild side and meeting this escort could be the catalyst to a new life.

He made the introduction, had some sort of private talk with her out of my view, reappearing and simply left saying "have fun". I was dumbfounded. Then something snapped in my head ... for once in my life I would have fun. She was so friendly and because Holland was one of my favourite countries (to think I actually had my second honeymoon there), we had so much to talk about. This stunning Dutch escort in St Albans opened my eyes to making me think that I am not such a boring "sod" after all. I am actually a really interesting guy. Time to let those ladies know what they have been missing out on.

Check out this sexy Dutch escort!

Mixed Race Dutch Escort

If you require an outcall in Hertfordshire, then contact First Call Escorts on 07775300878. Outcalls start from £120.