Escort Membership Incentives

Many escort agencies offer their most popular clients the chance to become an official client member. This means that they are officially a very highly respected client and with that there comes many incentives for having that membership. They are given many discounts and features that normal non member clients are not privileged to receive. From a personal booking manager, to priority booking services and a separate members gallery, where they can log on and view additional pictures that are not available on the public gallery. Escort members will usually get agency news through a special newsletter or have a news section once they log into their members area. They get to see the newest escorts that have joined before the public and non members do. Escort membership carries a yearly cost plus a joining fee. However if you frequently book escorts it may be advantageous to become an official member of that agency.


Special Features Escort Membership Brings

1) A special membership login that accesses a members only gallery.

2) A personal booking manager who personally manages all aspects of your bookings.

3) Discounts on escort bookings and free gifts like extra time on dates.

4) Access to more pictures of escorts as well as priority access to newly joined escorts.

5) Priority booking

Update March 2013 - We are currently carrying out maintenance work on our members section. Unfortunately during this period we can not accept new member sign ups. We hope to finish off the work in a timely manner. Any questions feel free to contact us via e-mail.