Escort Scams

The escort market comes with the unfortunate stigma of escort scams. Many people have fell prey to numerous scams out there. Many scams are aimed at website promising men and women that they can make thousands of pounds becoming escorts. The eventuality is that these people sign up with the hope these promises will be fulfilled. However they unfortunately end up out of pocket for huge administration costs that they had to pay at the beginning to register. They never recover the money they have spent.

There has been countless cases of male escort scams made public in the news. These websites prey on vulnerable young and middle aged guys and say thousands of women are just waiting to go on escort dates with them. There are never any face to face interviews, registrations or selection process. It usually is an online registration form with information on how to pay. many gentlemen think this is an excellent way to meet women and get paid for doing so. Uh oh! No so; too good to be true.

Here are a few tips to avoid being scammed:

1) Professional agencies would always want a face to face interview. It is basic common sense.

2) There should never be a huge joining on fee. In fact there should be no fee at all. Some agencies ask that you are responsible for getting your own professional pictures taken. The best will arrange for professional photos to be taken.

3) Do your research. If it sounds too good to be true, then it usually is.

4) Professional agencies will demand documentation and do checks on you.

5) Always check the web domain age of the agency. If they are new, they have hardly had time to establish themselves.

If in doubt.... check it out.

Other escort scams involve agencies that never provide a service but still take a payment. They usually get an up front payment and then last minute cancel the escort date and the client never gets their money back.

The escort market can be a mine field but the key is to use trusted agencies and websites and to have your wits about you.


You have been warned!