What To do If Your Escort Is Running Late?

There are occasions that happen when gentlemen who have booked an escort for a social evening out find that their escort is running late. The key thing to realise is that before the booking takes places, certain things need to be discussed about policies about lateness etc. So you have to ensure you know the terms and conditions of the service. The best thing to do is mention it and say what happens if you are running late. You could have purchased a ticket for the theatre for the escort and she could be running o late that you will miss the performance. So you have spent money on a ticket that has been wasted and if you don't end up going yourself, then you have wasted money on two tickets. The best thing to do is to agree terms and conditions, in the event of something like that happening. So you have got that out of the way, if you find that they are not on time, the best thing to do, is contact them. If you have booked via an escort agency, then ring up the agency and explain the situation. They will be best advised on how long the escort will take. Unexpected traffic due to a road traffic incident or route diversions are viable reasons for lateness.

Things You Can Do If Your Escort Is Late Turning Up

1) Contact them at your earliest convenience. What you need is an update on the situation. they may be running only 15 minutes late, so you can easily grab a quick coffee at a nearby cafe.

2) Dinner dates are governed by the time you have your booking for. If you are running late, contact the restaurant and explain that you are running late. They could hold the table for you that little bit longer.

3) If you have booked with an agency, give them a call. They are best to advise you.

4) If you have missed out on going to your favourite place and still want the date, then look for alternative places to go. If you have a smart phone there are apps that can tell you the nearest places for entertainment and dining out.

5) If the escort is really late, then it is within tour rights to cancel the booking.

Why not read our article on Don't Like the Escort You Booked? It provides helpful information on what to do if you find yourself in that situation. Maybe they were so late you lost your dinner reservation. As a client you have rights as well.