False Bad Escort Reviews

An interesting occurrence on the online escort market of clients giving escorts false bad reviews has become something of a talking point. It is where for whatever reasons, a client decides to give a false bad or negative review of an escort. These escort companions depend heavily on reviews at it acts as a guide for prospective escort clientele. Obviously bad reviews harm your reputation of an escort and that can hurt their business. There has been a rise in the number of escort review websites on the internet. People tend to go to them before they go onto escort directories. what people want are feedback, especially if they are booking a particular escort for the first time. Escorts with the best reviews tend to get more bookings.

So if escorts are getting false bad reviews what can be done. Well first and foremost they have to be honest to see if the feedback they got was accurate. If it is a blatant false review then they have to address it with the website in question. Some escorts who find themselves in this position take to the escort message boards and forums. There they can voice their opinion and defend the negative review they have got. What is strange is there has been some correlation found to some people who just always give bad reviews, raising the suspicion, something foul could be in play.

Reasons Why False Negative Escort Reviews Are Given:

1) There has been a small disagreement and the client has taken it upon themselves to give a bad review on purpose.

2) Some people are just weird and need no motivation to give false bad reviews.

3) A tactic to blackmail the escort for extra time on their next date and even in the most extreme cases reported; sexual favours.

4) They are actually other escorts posing as clients trying to discredit others.

5) The client was undecided whether they enjoyed their date, so just went on the negative side of things.