Looking The Part

Every guy wants to look the part. They want to be seen as the alpha male. Stylish, attractive and the type of person everybody wants to emulate. However there is so many attributes that you have to possess to really look the part. The key is to find a common ground in your sense of style. You fashion sense may be so out there, you may think it is really unique and trendy while others may cringe and try and avoid you. Look to try out new styles. It is about variation and diversity. try as many styles as you can. Go shopping and ask the shopping assistants for their opinion about the latest things that are fashionable. Generally men are not the best at shopping for a new style or look. So invite a female friend along that has vast knowledge about fashion. She could be best placed to give you an honest opinion about what style suits you.

Tips For Men On Looking Good

1) Work out and eat a balanced diet. You may look overweight or have bad skin from your lifestyle. So change your lifestyle, become your healthy. You will feel great and that will inspire you to look great.

2) Research the latest styles in men fashion. You have to be open to trying new things. Keep an open mind and have fun with these changes to your wardrobe.

3) Do things that you enjoy. Stress will only make you less focused about looking good. Why not treat yourself to some male grooming, a new haircut or even some beauty treatments.

4) Take up a sport. Join your local football or rugby team. By playing sports you have to keep fit. That will inspire you to develop a more toned body

5) Be honest with yourself. If deep down you know your current style does not suit you. Then discard those clothes.

Why not read our article on Dressing To Impress. Yes guys if you are going to take our London escorts out on a date, you have to look the part.


First Call Escorts have companions that always value a gentlemen who take great pride in their appearance.