Meeting A Shy Escort

Many clients who frequently book escort services have encounter the one escort who is very shy. They may be new to escorting and feel quite overwhelmed. You have to acknowledge that maybe once in your life you have experienced shyness or nervousness. It does not mean that by being out on a date with a shy escort, will be disastrous. Your escort may be the most fun lady you have ever met, with specially qualities, hobbies and interests. The key is to make sure the ambiance or the date is relaxing and you are not too overbearing. Shy people are sometimes the most gifted and talented. they just struggle to express themselves. They have an attractive quality of humbleness and intelligence. You could be on a date with a very loudly and extrovert escort, which could be a lot worse.

5 tips on meeting a shy escort

1) Be relaxed. A polite, relaxed tone to your voice will encourage your escort to feel comfortable. If you are too loud then you can intimidate her further into her shell.

2) Pay simple and genuine compliments. That way she knows you value her. Make her feel special, then in turn when she comes out of her shyness, she will do likewise.

3) Initiate simple conversation. Ask her about her journey or how her day has been so far. Follow that up with a compliment.

4) Ask her if she has any hobbies. Shy people still have passion and if you can get her to talk about one of her passions then she will gain more confidence on your escort date.

5) Tell some jokes. It may be a case of breaking the ice. So if you know any fun, clean ice breaker jokes, it may bring a smile and a laugh out of her.