Playful Escorts Review

First Call Escorts have no affiliation with the agency reviewed below.

You can visit their website by clicking

You can contact their agency directly by calling them via phone on 020 8965 8881 or 020 89658886
You can follow the on twitter at @escorts_playful

PLEASE NOTE: As First Call Escorts is an outcall only agency if you require incalls in London, then feel free to visit their website by clicking the link above. They are a reputable agency and you are sure to find a female companion that is perfect for you.

Playful Escorts are a London escort agency which also covers Hertfordshire, Essex, Middlesex, Surrey and Kent. They have a beautiful selection of escorts for prospective clients to choose from. You can peruse their website for companions and search using their search features. They provide incall, outcall, blonde, brunette, black, busty, mature and duo escorts. They provide service throughout London and Central London areas. They are quite cheap when it comes to their escort rates with hourly bookings starting from just £110 per hour. On the Playful escorts home page they showcase their featured escorts of the month as well as their best reviewed ones. The picture quality of escorts on their website is of the highest standard. They also have a live chat facility on their website where you can enquire about bookings.

They say they offer the best service at the cheapest possible price. They understand the London escort agency market can be a bit of a minefield and that it is hit or miss when trusting to use a service. They have built a trusted name within the London escort market. They have key guiding principles behind the philosophy of escorting and believe it is a gentleman's right to acquire these services regardless of age or race. They carefully interview each prospective escort to find out their personality as it goes a very long way in providing an effective and insightful service. They get excellent reviews online about the escort services they provide. What is unique about their website, is that you can view it in many different languages. They have that specific website functionality not any other agencies have,

They state they understand the individual needs of clients and also the individual uniqueness of all the escorts they showcase.

As our agency does not provide incall services, it is worth seeing the services they provide as they come highly recommended.


For a full list of other agencies that provide similar services visit our London escort agencies website review guide.