Professional Escorts

Professional escorts is a funny term, as when you indicate that the service is professional, shouldn't it come as standard for any business in any market? Professional escorts are independent or agency escorts that conduct themselves legally, professionally and who understand the true essence of escorting. What defines a professional escort agency? Well certainly you have to look at one which is professionally and ethically run. Also one that adheres to all local laws and pays all tax that is owed. The most professional escort agencies go through a very strict process in all aspects. They ensure that all escorts showcased are over 18 (or 21 in some countries / provinces). that is done by checking various forms of identification. They get professional pictures done for them. Some scam agencies actually try and convince people to pay them a fee for joining. Which is completely wrong, unprofessional and could be part of an actual scam. Agencies that provide outcalls make sure that they have escort drivers that take them to and from dates. So there is a level of security during the actual outcall. They are expected to conduct themselves with class, elegance and intelligence. They understand the service is a companionship only one. They know how to effectively adapt to clients, to ensure they receive a first class service.

What Attributes Are Needed?

There are many attributes a professional escort has to have. They include:

Clients need to feel safe as well. Professional escorts go out of their way to have an effective booking process. They do their very best to verify client credentials and they always let people know where they are for their own safety. Escort drivers can ensure safe transport to and from bookings. They understand the individual needs of each client and ensure important aspects are in place. So in effect they provide a bespoke companionship service, tailored to each individual client.

Professional incall agencies make sure each escort has CCTV at their apartment. This means they can see the client as they arrive. If they look suspicious they can decide to not give them access to their building. With the fact escorts can face violence and suspicious clients, it is a good way for them to safeguard themselves from harm.

Professional Escort Drivers

Outcall escort agencies often hire professional drivers to transport the escorts to and from dates. This ensures that they can arrive in a punctual manner and be transported home safely. The driver stays in the vicinity of the date and can act as a point of contact for the agency. So if there is a dispute between escort and client, they are on hand to deal with it. maybe the client has some questions; again the driver is on hand to handle those queries. for late night and short notice bookings, escort drivers ensure the escort can arrive within 1 hour of the confirmed booking.