Blue Velvet Girls Review

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You can contact their agency directly by calling them via phone on 07800809573

PLEASE NOTE: As First Call Escorts is an outcall only agency if you require incalls in London, then feel free to visit their website by clicking the link above. They are a reputable agency and you are sure to find a female companion that is perfect for you.

Blue Velvet Girls is an exclusive London escort agency full of prestige and sophistication in the escorts they showcase and the services they provide throughout London. Their agency carefully hand picks the most vibrant, confident, vivacious, beautiful and sensual ladies, who have brains as well as beauty. They provide are sensual escort services. You will find yourself falling for the charm and warmth of their personalities. They have an interesting history. It was created by a group of ladies that were disappointed at the state and quality of the London escort scene. So they started the agency to set the benchmark all London escort agencies have to follow.

The empowering independence is very refreshing as they stress that all the escorts are their own bosses. They have a diverse selection of escorts to choose from. They each have their own persoanlised photo portfolio, where prospective clientele can view extra photos and read information about the escort. They provide discreet incalls from luxury apartments in central London and also affluent areas in central London. The agency seems to have tough selection process for ladies looking to join them. The agency regularly updates the featured escorts on their home page and their escort news section is very informative.



First Call escorts provide escorts in Central London that cover all areas.

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