English Escort In Bracknell - Escort Experience

It was nearing my engagement and everybody seemed to be happy I was getting married except me. I loved my finance but was not sure if it was the case that I had been going out with her for so long I wonder if I was with her through necessity. I was in fact bored with life and not sure if those feelings were spilling over into my feelings about the relationship. I liked to go out with the lads but never strayed; although i enjoyed a good flirt. Anyway it was the night of the stag do and I was really nervous. When this was over; next step - wedding!

Little did I know my best man had booked a stunning, busty, English escort to keep me company on the bar crawl. He said it is the last bit of female attention I will ever get. We hit all the bars and this party girl escort from Bracknell was gorgeous. We flirted we danced and throughout the night I found i was getting besotted with her. My friends were all giving me wink after wink, but I realised that I was just being too hard on myself. I didn't get engaged by accident and I was just getting cold feet which was normal.

In the end I got married and my night out with the stunning escort just confirmed to me that I don't need to feel I am missing out on other women. I am lucky and will hopefully stay lucky being married.