Collection Elite Review (Agency Website Closed)

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Please note the website URL for the agency is no longer active. Below is an old review of their website.

Collection Elite is an elite London escort agency that is English owned. The management is by two experienced English escorts who want to provide an escort agency of class and professionalism. Collection Elite have a diverse and sophisticated selection of English and European escorts who provide a quality companionship service throughout London. There is a wide selection of escorts for prospective and existing clientele to choose from. They even have escorts that provide an international escort service and who can travel worldwide providing companionship services to international businessmen.

They express on their website that they have carefully personally chosen each escort they showcase. The ladies are said to possess exciting and sensual personalities. They have an attractive appeal that appeals to elite gentlemen looking for a beautiful companion to keep them company for an evening or accompany them to a private elite social event. Collection Elite have the most beautiful English escorts, International escorts and also porn stars showcased on their website. Yes they have a wonderful selection of PSE (porn star escorts) who provide very naughty and adult film orientated escort services. Choose from busty, blonde, brunette and porn star escorts.

You can search via price on the escort agency website and they do showcase some featured escorts o their home page. Also they have an escort agency news feature so you can keep up to date with all the latest new additions and agency news.


First Call escorts provide escorts in Central London that cover all areas.

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