Free Escort Directories

Free escort directories are online resources for independent escorts and escort agencies to advertise their services free of charge (free escort advertising). They are very popular because of the obvious incentive that they do not cost anything to advertise services. They are often heavily link advertising based with URLs of websites to click Some free directories do all photo listings and they have a unique content management system that allows escorts and agencies to create and manage their own personal listings and photos on the directory. To advertise on free escort directories the process usually involves the advertiser placing the banner of the escort directory on the front page of their website.

The disadvantages of free escort directories for escorts are that the web traffic in terms of quality and quantity is often poor. Free escort directories often have a large portion of pic collectors or people who just want to look a picture of beautiful escorts to satisfy their own personal needs.

Again, not leading to many bookings. So agencies and independent companions alike try to get themselves on as many free directories as they can to boost traffic, but mainly visual prominence.

If you are an escort or agency thinking of advertising on free directories understand that the quality of traffic won't be great, but it is still a good opportunity to visually get your name about.

Free escort advertising is so appealing to any, but effective for few.

The Effect On SEO

The Google Penguin Update has had a massive effect on many London escort agencies in the SERPs. There are so many aspects to the new update and areas of SEO where some agencies have fallen foul. Many opted to put themselves needlessly in hundreds of low quality, poor directories, that had little benefit for web users, let alone their agency image. The online market is littered with many free websites for you to advertise your service on. However the keyword to think about is "free". As the saying goes you don;t get something for nothing and basically from an SEO perspective you have to be careful how and where you advertise. However it is not all bad news. There are some well established free directories that are informative, provide good web user experiences and are regularly kept up to date. If you are promoting your service always opt for the longest established escort directories. Most will require you to place their banner on your home page in exchange for a listing.

Escort Directory Guide

Feel free to read our guide to the best websites on the internet. If you are an independent or agency looking to promote your service online, then these websites provide useful resources, information and even advertising options that are best for you.


First Call Escorts only picks the resources that provide excellent experiences to its web users to showcase its services on.