Nuisance Callers - Escort News

Every agency and escort will encounter nuisance callers. Individuals who ring up on the pretence of making a booking, but are there to simply cause trouble, waste our time and be a nuisance. It is a pest as they are stopping a genuine client from getting through to make a booking. As many agencies don't answer withheld numbers, they can combat some but not call callers. Some people ring up drunk and are not really trying to do a prank, but are so intoxicated that they are incoherent. Again a very time wasting call that prevents over prospective clientele who are genuine, getting through to book. Some agencies adopt an approach of posting the numbers of nuisance callers on special escort directories so people can check against the numbers or foresee a prank call.

On the more sinister side, some agencies and escorts get very threatening phone calls from obviously bored gentlemen with nothing else better to do with their evening. Even though most can be taken with a pinch of salt, any threat carries potential. Persistent threats of a dangerous nature should always be encouraged to be reported. As it will act as a deterrent to the persons responsible. You do get prank calls that are quite humourous. There is always a funny story about a funny person who called up. even though they seemed annoying there was a moment where it was pure comedy. Although you can never eradicate all nuisance calls, agencies and escorts can take more steps to protect themselves from them.

Here are the top type of nuisance callers escort agencies experience:

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