Rosebud Escorts Review

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You can contact their agency directly by calling them via phone on 07532032076

PLEASE NOTE: As First Call Escorts is an outcall only agency if you require incalls in London, then feel free to visit their website by clicking the link above. They are a reputable agency and you are sure to find a female companion that is perfect for you.

Rosebud Escorts have established themselves as London escort agency that provides affordable, cheap escort services throughout central London. they are an English owned London escort agency. They showcase discreet incall services on their website and also they provide outcall services to hotels. Rosbud Escorts gear their service around a full professional and discreet companionship service that is very classy. They have a diverse selection of escorts which they showcase on their website and prospective clients can make telephone bookings for dates with their escorts.

Their rates on their website start from £150 per hour and can go up to the £500 for the most elite escort services. You will find they have a selection of the sexiest blonde, brunette, busty, petite, tall companions to choose from. Each escort has their own portfolio where you can view additional pictures of the escort. Some of the ladies that they showcase on their website have their eyes blurred on photos to protect their identity. They also have an online newsletter on their website that you can sign up to and they are always actively recruiting for new ladies to join their agency.


First Call escorts provide escorts in Central London that cover all areas.

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