Dangers Of Web Spam For Your Escort Website

Many people who manage an escort service want to promote their website in as many places and as many ways as possible. The notion to them is the more places they can place their website on the internet, the more people will see it and the more clients will look at there website. However the dangers of falling into the category of web spam is very high and in fact you can damage the credibility of your website in more ways than one. Firstly, if you are conducting an escort SEO campaign, then major search engines, especially Google take a heavy stance against sites who spam. You sight will be hit by a penalty and this will mean a lot of your keywords and traffic overall will be affected. The hits that you get from spam links, are not targeted and will only harm your cause on trying to climb the search engines

Spam Things To Avoid

1) Do not sign up your escort website to a link submission schemes. The promise of thousands of links will only mean your website will potentially link to thousands of low quality and potentially harmful websites.

2) Do not blast your link out on free non-relational directories. If the directory is not relevant to your market then why would you think it will be effective? You would not advertise a 18-30s holiday at an old people's home, so why advertise your service in non-relational places.

3) Don't try to be smart and build loads of geographical listings on directories. No your business / service does not have a physical address in every area in the country. So don;t try and manipulate listings. You have one business address, then advertise that.

4) Do not purchase links. Again search engines like google are against paid escort links.

5) Ultimately is has a negative effect on the online market and brings down the quality of the SERP's if they are flooded with nonsense websites. You won't last long on search engines and


For an in-depth guide in the correct method of escort SEO, with tips and helpful information CLICK HERE.