Building Links For Your Escort Website

If you have an escort service and a website showcasing that it, then promoting, advertising and building up your brand on the web is vital to gain bookings and establishing yourself. Escort SEO is a perfect way to build a long standing reputation on the web and focus on targeted keywords that best represent the services that you provide. On major search engines, especially Google, they hold link building as a key part of SEO for your escort website. The key to effectively building links could be the difference between page 1 and page 40 of your sites appearing in the SERPs. The key thing to release that quality always beats quantity. It is best to build 5 really high quality, relational links, then 500 poor ones. If you have the money you can hire an SEO expert and links manager to conduct your online marketing on search engines.

2017-2018 Link Building Hints

- Lots of people spamming every type of website they can think of. Do not continue. Just because for some strange reason Google is not taking notice and ranking people building mass low quality links - do not thin it can last forever.
- Try and build links for a diversity of pages to your website. Make sure that these pages are the most important and regularly updated.

- Do a link audit before you start building links.

- Do not copy people using bad link building practices just because they are ranking highly.

- If the link won't give your website value then don't build it.


Here Are Some Link Building Tips

  1. Focus on quality relational links for your site. Less is more, if you are focusing on quality. Try not to link outside your niche. Non-relational linking won't add alue to your website when it comes to search engines.
  2. Hire a proven SEO expert, who knows about professional link exchanging. They will have up to date examples of work in your market, if they are worth hiring.
  3. Do not spam the web with your links. Do not just post your link everywhere and anywhere. It is classed as web spam and will demote your website down the ranking. Plus the quality of places you are linking on have no great value, so you are just wasting your time.
  4. Write high quality content for your market. That way high quality websites will come to you for link exchanges.
  5. Research sites you are linking to. If the site links to other bad sites, then do not link

The most important tip, is do not conduct paid escort links. They are against search engine guidelines and will see your sight demoted with ease.

With talks of a new Penguin update in 2013 then it is becoming more vital to understand the correct way to build escort links on the web.

Also what about building escort links post Panda? (September 7th 2017) Google says it's changed the way it thinks about Panda. So what impact does this have on link building? All the top escort websites that curretly rank high on Google have built low quality links. Has Google abandoned it's strict policy on building high quality links?